Meet Coach Posh

Wellness for all

Plantedposh was a catch phrase I came up with right after I CONQUEREd my 1 year detox, to symbolize how Plants upgraded my life. Now it’s the nickname I’ve gained over the last few years.

At plantedposh, Our mission is to build community around educating and guiding students how to upgrade thier health and wellness through detoxing.

We offer a beautiful platform called “The Deetox Bootcamp” to teach, release unhelpful habits, build relationships, and grow. We embrace self-love, movement, and mindfulness to make our program a holistic Lifestyle course.

About Coach Posh

Hi There!!

I’m so happy you’re here. I was once in your shoes, unfulfilled with my health and body and wanted a change but didn’t know where to turn. My self-confidence was crushed, my excitement for the normal moments was a burden, and i didn’t know what to do. One day, while I was in my last year of law school, I had just gotten out of a long damaging relationship and I was ready for a new me. I was ready to shed the old Alexandria that was uncomfortable going outside without a full set of makeup on or afraid to show her real skin to anyone. I was ready to feel more like the person on the inside. For 12 months, I took a vow, each month, to never give up on my goals no matter how tough some days were. I realized as I begin changing my diet to alkaline foods and removing highly acidic foods, my skin began to change, and so did my bloating, which i never knew was a real problem. And as i noticed improvements, one day i decided to throw away all of my skincare.

Yes, I threw it all away.

I figured that if i was changing the things i put in my body, when Why would i keep putting bad stuff on my face. and at the same time, i decided to not care what anyone thought of my skin marks and to trust the process, even if that meant wearing natural makeup that didn’t have the best coverage. I realized that if i were going to cahnge my life, I wanted that to include my internal body, my external, and …

… my self-love.

After graduating law school and trying to navigate real life, the pandemic decided to close the door on my employment. At that point had just met loving fiance who opened the door to personal Training, which then opened my eyes to teaching and coaching others how to reach their body goals with the methods I used to transform my inner health and outward appearance.

Now, I’m a certified detox therapist. I travel and go on stage, confidently, as a Bikini Athlete. And I’ll never go back to the girl in those pictures above. I love myself now more than ever because I never gave up on my goals and I get so much satisfaction with every person that is helped through my coaching program.”

INSPIRING Well-being and BUILDING community through transformative detoxing.